"Well what is this all about?."

A place for things 20th Century, real and imagined..

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Bolt Action Cromwell

for my mate Dazza..It would look nicer with decals but one day we will get to that .he promised.


Sunday, 4 November 2012

Cuckoo, a "tame" panther

20mm Cromwell models I think, painted over 10 years ago for Wargamer Oz.. reacquired recently.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Downfall, part III.20mm

Battle for Berlin
20mm mix of Britannia,Blitz and a few Wargames Foundry and unknowns , 252 Hasegawa Kibel Italeris

 a mixed force of defenders

 Staff/communication group, and two errant mortar men

 Panzer officers and their transport

The infantry of kampfgruppe Nordland 

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

USMC 28mm Bolt Action miniatures

These  hand painted 28mm miniatures are all for sale.

 Set 1 $50.00AUD

 Set 2  $50.00 AUD
 Set 3 $50.00 AUD
 Set 4 $50.00AUD
 Set 5 $50AUD
Set 6  $35AUD

doesn't include P+P

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Early War FJ 20mm

An almost complete regiment in Rapid-Fire terms.The only thing missing is the  gun company , equipped with the Skoda mountain guns. This was painted a log time ago , mostly in the late 1990s but they have held up rather well. These have come into my possession for  disposal so I have taken time to record them. A mix of 20mm range SHQ, FAA, Wargames Foundry Dixon , Drew's Militia and some Britannia.
These figures  are most useful for games set  during  the Invasion of the Low Countries,    hypothetical Sea Lion and Malta Invasion games and of course the Greek and Crete campaigns Their sale price , which will set at quite reasonable terms will posted as link later
Regimental CO and Command group

as above

Downed Luftwaffe crew

AT company 

Flak platoon

MC Company

HQ Sturm company/or MC dismounts

HQ full strength

Assault engineers

Ist Battn 

Ist Battn

Ist Battn

Ist Battn 

IInd Battn

IIIrd Battn